Thursday, October 22, 2020

Actual Virtuality!

Yesterday my 10 year old son came up to me and said, "Dad can you help me prepare a slide?" He's a bit on the nerdy side but I thought maybe he wanted to prepare a presentation on a topic given by his teacher. I asked "Sure, what's the topic and who are you going to present it to?" He said "I'm not presenting it to anyone, I want to use it myself in the garden. It'll be great fun!" Then I understood he was referring to a real physical one that he and his friends could slide on!

Suddenly I realised that IT jobs have hijacked our lifestyle. The other day I found myself admiring a spider "What a nice Web Site it has built". At a restaurant I remember thinking "They need to normalize their Tables". I won't be surprised if I explain to my kid that water gets Uploaded to the Cloud through evaporation, then Downloaded as rain. I already think I live in a house with Multi-tier Architecture and Facade design pattern, and I enjoy a nice Drive in my car with a great UI of the Dashboard.

So if you're working in IT like me, take care to not Cloud your Outlook with technology, or you may find yourself greeting a friend as "WhatsApp Json?", or sending a meeting invite to your kids to come down for dinner. Just like that sometimes, disengage a bit and come into Actual Reality. Read people's Faces and Books, not Facebook or Notebooks, Write a mail to a physical Address and Post it to a letter-box not an Inbox. Be more mobile without the Mobile, don't be a fish caught up in a Net-work 😀

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